We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit with a passion for serving our local, regional, and global community. We provide resources to those in need as a responsive community lifeline of hope.
Our Vision
Bringing the love and hope of Jesus to our community through outreach and discipling.

Kinship Ministry
We help local families that are caring for children in a kinship arrangement gain access to resources that help ease the burden placed on families. Working in tandem with local court-appointed special advocates, OhioKAN navigators, and other state agencies, we work to assist families with bedding, clothing, furniture, hygiene products, and access to local counseling resources. Fill out and submit our application here

Food Assistance
Through a partnership with Logan-Hocking Schools and Project SAFE, Out of the Boat Ministries has been instrumental in establishing several food pantries in our local elementary schools. Utilizing the District Board office as a warehouse, we help provide students and families access to food, shoes, backpacks, school supplies, clothing, and additional resources needed to help students in need succeed.

Building A Community
Our weekly men’s group meetings take place on Thursday nights at 6:30 and are held at Thrivent - 107 S Market St in Logan, OH. These meetings are critical in helping men build community and strengthen their faith through bible studies, fellowship, worship, and community outreach.
We strive to be visible and supportive of our community through gifts of service and acts of love.


Move the Hills
Held every August local kids and families can participate in the Move the Hills back to school giveaways:
Backpacks/school supplies for local school-age kids
New socks and shoes for K-12th grade ages
Non-perishable food box distribution for local families
Dental hygiene bags (toothpaste, toothbrush, dental floss, etc.)

We take the stewardship of financial gifts to our ministry seriously. We are accountable and transparent with our finances. When you donate to Out of the Boat Ministries, you help live out the Great Commission call to "go and make disciples". Contact us today to see how you can help us build stronger communities and healthier families.